IT Service plans

We take case of your computer network and equipment 365 days a year


49 /month
  • Up to 3 users
  • Unlimited remote technical assistance​
  • User account management​
  • Windows server management
  • Email account management


69 /month
  • Up to 6 users
  • Unlimited remote technical assistance
  • User account management
  • Windows server management
  • Email account management
  • File sharing management​


119 /mês
  • Up to 12 users
  • Unlimited remote technical assistance
  • 1 intervenção presencial por mês
  • User account management
  • Windows server management
  • Email account management
  • File sharing management
  • Backup system management


199 /mês
  • Up to 30 users
  • Unlimited remote technical assistance
  • 2 intervenções presenciais por mês
  • User account management
  • Windows server management
  • Email account management
  • File sharing management
  • Backup system management
  • Firewall and VPN system management
  • WI-FI network management

Included in all packs

Included in
all packs

When subscribing to an ALTCOM IT service plan, we will take care of all aspects of its management, without limitations on remote interventions. Our support team has extensive experience in managing SME business networks, adapting the response to each client's needs.

Our 2023 numbers

Based on the service provided in between 01/01/2023 and 31/12/2023 by the ALTCOM team

0 %
Resolution Rate
0 min
Average Resolution Time

Get in touch

Leave us your details and our sales team will contact you

Subject to submission of a formal proposal and respective adjudication. VAT is added to the values ​​presented at the legal rate in force.

In-person interventions are only available in the Aveiro region, in the municipalities of Aveiro, Ílhavo, Águeda, Albergaria, Oliveira do Bairro, Estarreja, Ovar, Murtosa, Santa Maria da Feira and Oliveira de Azemeis. Travel fees may be charged, depending on the Customer’s address, according to the current price list, available at

In-person interventions included in the plans have a base duration of 1 hour, with any additional time being charged according to the current price list, available at They do not carry over to the following month, calendar months are considered. Maximum response time of 8 business hours on PERSONAL and SOHO plans; 4 working hours on PME and PRO plans. Maximum response time of 1 hour for emergencies on PME and PRO plans.